Green Prosperity - Millefiori Necklace - by Teresa Pandora Salgado
Green Prosperity - Millefiori Necklace - by Teresa Pandora Salgado
The color green represents nature, growth, rebirth, health, hope, and overall well being. One can feel a sense of tranquillity upon seeing this soothing color. It perfectly resonates with the natural cycle of birth, death, and then rebirth with transformation and new beginnings.
This wonderful one-of-a-kind necklace is made from polymer clay cane slices on a filigree base. The artist used vintage glass bead caps which are unique and near impossible to find. The brass spacers are also vintage; giving this necklace a timeless appeal that will never ever be replicated.
- Made by the artists hand in the USA
- Total length of necklace is 23"
- Pendant is 2"
- Charm is 1"
About the Artist:
Teresa Pandora Salgado is a mixed media designer & instructor born and raised in Southern California. She has been creating objects based on her vivid dreams since early childhood.
In 2010, after a lifetime of crafting with rocks, glue, nail polish, paper, wood, glass, fabric, wire, acrylic, wasp nests and salt dough, Pandora discovered polymer clay. Since then she has made millefiori cane six hours per day, six days a week.
In addition to creating products for crafters, she's a designer for Polyform Products. Pandora teaches live Pandorafication workshops in Indianapolis each October at the incredible IndyJam Retreat.
In 2013 Pandora began filming her caning and mixed media projects. Her 87 YouTube videos have had over 2 million hits and have been seen in 151 countries.
Connect with Pandora:
Pandora on Instagram